"out" is similar to "html" object but it will not return the result but it just print them out
[void] print([string] s); // print s [void] println([string] s); // print s and go to next line [void] println(); // go to next line [void] p([string] p); // print an html paragraph element(<p>) [void] element([string] tag); // print an empty tag [void] element([string] tag, [string] innerHtml); //print the element tag with inner Html [void] a([string] linkUrl); // print an <a> [void] a([string] linkUrl, [string] title); // print an <a> with title [void] a([string] linkUrl, [string] title, [boolean] target); // print a link that if target==true will open in new window [void] table([StringArray] headers[],[String2dArray] rows[][]) // print a table
is same as:
var link=html.a("https://google.com","Google",true); print(link);
, multiple selections available,